Friday, August 7, 2009

NOW I've Done It!

I've officially announced my retirement--no, my graduation. I feel the way I did when I graduated from college, ready and eager for what's to come. My friend Dimitrea put it beautifully: "I think the title retiring is for those who have been pooped out from what they've chosen to do, but I think in your case what you've chosen to do has only put you in a position to pursue your dreams more fully."

Chris Clark decided I was really serious about leaving this time and set aside some time for a presentation at a recent gathering at Boyds Mills, although my official last day isn't until August 25. That's Kent Johnson, the CEO of Highlights, on the right. He's holding a framed print of a vintage Timbertoes strip done by John Gee--they know the way to my heart.

When it came time for me to say a few words, I decided to commit, the way you do when you're starting a diet. I told a tent full of people that I was leaving in order to write. I have witnesses. I have no excuses. I'm pursuing my dreams. Wish me luck!


  1. Congratulations, Marileta!

    May you never retire from writing:)

  2. I just saw Jill's post on the Blueboard about your retirement and had to come by for a virtual visit. I will miss you at Highlights, but am happy to know you will have more time to pursue your own writing ... Carpe diem!

  3. Hi Marileta! I don't know if you remember me, but I was one of your roommates the SCBWI Poconos retreat two years ago. Congrats! Glad to see you are writing!
