I recently attended a Highlights Founders workshop at Boyds Mills, Writing Your First Novel, led by Sandy Asher. I stayed in one of the private cabins, the one dedicated to the memory of "Uncle" Jack Myers, the science editor of Highlights for many years. Jack was like a favorite uncle to those of us privileged to work with him, so it was a special pleasure to stay there, surrounded by photos of him. Through the windows I had a serene view of the green, bird-filled woods.
Sandy runs an intelligent, productive, and supportive workshop. Lots of good insights and reminders to bring home and chew on. Lots of hands-on exercises for that "oh, I get it" moment. Lots of thoughtful critiques. Lots of good food, too!
Of course, getting to know fellow participants is one of the best parts of a retreat. For some, it was their first time to come to a workshop like this. That takes courage. I enjoyed seeing everyone grow more comfortable and more confident as the workshop went on.
Thanks to Colleen Sanders for the photos!
Sandy Asher and David Harrison have a very special Web site, America Writes for Kids, dedicated to helping teachers and students connect with writers. If you are a published author who would like to be listed on their Web site, just contact them. You can link to their Web site, or for a small fee, you can create a page on their site.
Author Interview with Siobhan McDermott
1 day ago